Sunday, March 13, 2011

Web 2.0

Goal: To introduce educators to the variety of new tools available on the web

The publication is a series of articles, written by field leaders, as well as ways to implement the suggestions found within/good practice guides

RSS Feeds

  • Stands for "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication" 
  • Is a collection of file formats used by sites that add or change content regularly--news websites, web    logs, etc.
  • The RSS technology allows its users to be in control of the vast amount of information constantly added/changed on the web
  • Aggregator--a desktop or web-based program that automatically pulls in RSS feeds; you can set up a single aggregator to pull in the news content of the sites you wish to look at
  • Educational Applications
    • Professional Development
    • Time-Saving tool
    • Up-to-the-minute updates in your specific content area
    • Information from contrasting sources about the same topic
    • Professional collaboration

Acceptable Use Policies

  • i.e. "Internet Permission Slips"
  • Establish how students will use school resources, specific expectations and polices that are to be followed, and the consequences of not adhering to the expectations and policies
  • Establish culture of internet safety as well as prepare students to be responsible users of the web--overall web literacy
  • Students can have input into the guidelines

Blogging as a way get students interested in writing as opposed to the traditional "writing prompts"

podcasts as an informational resource for both teachers/their classrooms and for students (re-listen to lectures; review for exams, etc.)

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